Sunday 3 December 2017

Dawning of a New Season

Rev Wong Yin Ming
Sr Pastor of Subang Jaya Assembly

I'd like to share with you on the topic the dawning of a new season.

I believe we have different seasons in life. And in Malaysia we have only one season, the hot season and the hot season. And in life we also have different seasons and in organisations, they have what they call life cycles. And the church also have life cycles. God can lead a church from one season of growth to the next season of growth.

And the transition period is very important. I've gone though two churches where they merge to become one. The transition period is crucial and determines the success. If the transition went well, there's a lot of excitement, a lot of joy and a lot of unity. But if the transition didn't work out so well, there is going to be a lot of challenges. But even so, when we go through transitions, we believe that it will be good.

I want to bring to you a historical passage that talks about a transition of leadership and also thr transition of the people of a nation.

  1. God is in control of every season.

Joshua 1:1-2 (NIV)
1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them —to the Israelites.

God spoke to Joshua, Moses my servant is dead. And when he talked about Moses being dead, he was talking about the passing of an old era. Moses is dead and God now is bringing forth a new leader. The children of Israel was also going through a transition. They have been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years and they are about to now enter into the promise land.

The children of Israel was going through a new season after they left the wilderness. There is also a new leader that is coming. The new season is a season for the new leader. Moses has served his time. In the last 40 years, he has served his time. It's not that Moses was no good, it's just that his era is over. 

I believe the Israelites wanted Moses.  But in God's wisdom he did not allow them to find the body of Moses. Joseph was embalmed but not Moses in God's wisdom. If not they will always look back on Moses. God wants them to look at the glory of the new leader.

When a new leader comes in, there will be uncertainty. They would probably prefer Moses to lead them into the promise land because they are familiar with him. To let Moses bring them in then only appoint a new leader. Now there are two transition, a new leader and a new place.

In the midst of uncertainty God is in control of every season.

God told them to get ready to cross over. It signifies the beginning of a new era. Joshua will be the one to bring upon them the plan and purposes of God. God's presence will be with them.

And God told them that he is the same God of Moses that led them out of Egypt and is the same God that will lead them into the promise land. The leader may change but the plan of God has not changed. Moses is not the one that planned the future of Israel but God.

I want to share something personal. The senior pastor of Subang Assembly announced his resignation after 16 years. It was a very unique situation. He resigned and took on our outreach so I became the sole senior pastor. I came before God and said I do not know how to lead this church and I felt the weight of responsibility.

I remembered God used this passage where Jesus spoke to Peter that he will built his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. But God spoke to me that I will build my church and the weight just left me. It is he that will build his church, not me and I knew that I will not journey alone and God is in control.

Churches will have good seasons and bad seasons but he is still in control and will lead the church through the seasons of change. Before God can move the church he has to prepare the leader. And equip the leader.

  1. God will raise up a new leader for the new season.

Deuteronomy 31:7-8 (NIV)
7 Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors to give them, and you must divide it among them as their inheritance. 8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Just as God was with Moses, God was with Joshua.

Deuteronomy 34:9 (NIV)
Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the Lord had commanded Moses.

The people listened to Joshua. God himself personally encouraged Joshua. Three times. Be strong and courageous. Joshua is much younger and they have not seen Joshua done any miracles yet. They were not so sure but the leader himself must show courage. If the leader is not courageous the people will be shaken in fear. Just like any army, the General must be strong. They will follow. God is encouraging your new pastors to be strong and courageous.

When the leader had to go like Moses, God will raise new leaders. When Elijah had to go the mantle fell on Elisha. Elisha split the water just like Elijah and when the people saw that they recognised him because he did the same miracle as Elijah. They accept not because Elisha told them about Elijah but because they saw him doing what he was called to do. He did it himself. Then the people recognised.

Pastors come and pastors go but the church will remain. Because the pastor is not the church. The people is the church. Pastors are there to equip the leaders to do the work of the ministry.

God chose Moses to lead the people out of Egypt but God chose Joshua to lead the people into the promise land. Not that Moses is no good. And God did not intended the people to compare. It is God who decides.

I had high respect for the founding pastor of my church. I never speak ill of our founding pastor because he laid the foundation. But all pastors will be different. You cannot please everyone. When I first took over the church we had two pastors. They must be wondering whether these two jokers can do it. He was so relational while I'm tasked oriented. But together we build the church and the church grew. Together we embarked on our first building we called our own.

One of the debate in church is the gender of the leader. The spiritual gift God has given is never based on gender. There were lady judges and pastors. The spiritual gifts are given to the leaders to his pleasure. It has never been gender biased. The gifting and calling has always been there.

How I became a senior pastor was orchestrated by God. I seldom share this story. I've shared only once in Romania because it was a man-led church.

I had no idea that the founding pastor was leaving. We were both BCM lecturers so we helped teach. We were there with the church before we took over the church. We did not get involved with the church ministry and administration. One day when I went to the church, the Sunday morning a clear voice spoke to me, I want you to take over the church. I could not believe what I heard. I was thinking maybe it's the devil. I brushed it aside and buried it at the back of my mind. I thought it's just a crazy thought.

It was months before the pastor announced his resignation. When he announced that thought came back to me. I told God it was not possible. We are in an urban setting and many are professionals. Well educated professionals. This is a man's world. For them to accept a lady senior pastor is something that will not happen. But there was this stirring within me. The search committee started searching and invited some pastors but none was accepted.

They then called Pastor Lim and he approached me and asked why don't you come in and we do it together. There was a lot of uncertainty and praying. The church was searching for one pastor and how to say we have two? The church called an EGM and we were both voted in. Pastor Lim's wife is also a credentialed minister but Pastor Lim called me and not the wife so it has to be God.

We enjoyed our ministry together to build the church. Of course there are differences but it does not split the church. Because we are different but in the end we worked together.

After Pastor Lim left to lead an outreach, we embarked on the second building. Pastor Lim handled the first building because as a man he knew more. I knew nothing about building a building but when it was decided I went ahead. I didn't know what I was getting into but we successfully completed the building and is enjoying it. No one left the church after the new building was completed.

When God affirms you he will also open doors for you. I moved into the EXCO and also the Council.  During our time a lot of Bible students married each other. But it's rare for a pastor to marry a layman. We had to go for counselling but after us now many lady pastors also marry laymen.

We have a Love Pastor Fellowship just like Penang. When the Chairman wanted to leave they were looking for someone and everyone was looking at me. All of them are men pastors except for another lady also from AOG yet they accepted me as chairman. YB Hannah Yeah of Subang Jaya looked at me and said you lah.

The calling and the gifting of God is not gender biased. Bil Hybels who runs one of the top churches in America recently appointed a lead lady pastor and a pastor/teacher for Willow Creek.

I just shared with you my journey and it is over 20 years and I'm still doing it. Whenever people talk about Subang Assembly, people just say it's a church with a lady pastor. The church has to affirm the new leader.

  1. God will bring you over to the new season.

The people had to know that this is the new season. The people must not dwell in the past because Moses is dead. To cross over to Jordan the people has to be prepared.

Be prepared.
Be committed.
Be supportive.

Joshua 1:16-18 (NIV)
16 Then they answered Joshua, “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. 17 Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses. 18 Whoever rebels against your word and does not obey it, whatever you may command them, will be put to death. Only be strong and courageous! ”

Now they support and affirm Joshua. And they say what God said to Joshua. Only be strong and courageous. I pray that you all will be likewise. And Joshua led them into the promise land. Do not be like the people of Moses. They complain and murmur. Joshua generation was different. They supported their leader and crossed the Jordan as a united force.

Affirmation and encouragement motivates our leaders. Give them your ultimate support. Not just verbal but practical. Walk alongside. Not support from behind.

New season bring new changes. New pastors will have new approach. We must engage the younger generation and raise them to be part of the team. The church have to change with the times. A new leader can bring about new change. But not just new leaders, but the churches now must engage the younger generation.

My encouragement to you is to engage the younger generation to be in the team. To be a part of the team. The church at large must change and we must change with the times. Help the young generation to embrace the new season by involving them and empowering them. You must trust them and have confidence in them. Allow young leaders to have a say. We have a team of young pastors and assistant pastors. Age 29, 30, 36 and 37. All very young. Our church is in a season where we want to empower younger people.

Our young pastors take turns to preach and conduct communion. They do everything we do. But we also wants to embrace the younger members. Because our pastors are young, they see from the millennial point of view. And we baby boomers are trying hard to understand the millennials. We learn from the younger generation. We learn from them how to reach the young.

I took them to a Hillsong event at Subang Jaya and there they talked about how you prepare the people for the service. From the beginning, the moment the visitor enters into the church, right until the service starts and everything has a checklist. And we went back and walked around our church and I asked what do you all think about our church and they say, it's not warm enough. Because our church is a factory building even though it was renovated. The wall is beige colour and after about 7 years you can see patches, more of a very formal environment.

They say young people don't like these kind of colours. They say we don't have a hospitality lounge and our library is under utilised. So I said okay, I give you all a project, you come up with something new. And do a facelift. So I empowered them. Together with a team of youngsters, they came out with a concept that blew my mind.

Their proposal was that the library was under utilised so get rid of the library. They said move the library elsewhere and they said your books will not attract people but your setting and environment will attract people. So the hospitality lounge will take centre stage and the library and visitor's room which nobody want to go is moved to the side.

So I told the young assistant pastor, I said you come and share the concept with the board and I told the board I empowered the young to do this so don't give them any ideas, because our ideas are old ideas. I said let them tell us what they want. I said I empower them but I am not involved because they have a chat group. All the 3 young pastors are in but I am out.

And these are what they came out with. (PowerPoint slides). This is to show you what young people are capable of doing.

I let the young people make changes to attract the young. Like our library and hospitality lounge. We empower them and they come out with ideas. They come out with ideas and we have to foot the bill. And now our young people are excited. And now they are discussing about a mural wall. Another team of young people are on that. I don't even know. And many of them are only college students. They want to make the place vibrant. If not they said looks like factory. All plain colours, white colours. We empower them but we just have to control their spending.

I am encouraging you that even as your church enters a new season with a new pastor, think of embracing the younger generation. You'll be surprised that with a little bit of guidance, young people can do a better job than us. May the Lord bless you.

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