Sunday 8 October 2017

Season of Transition

Pastor Teh Yung Huat

I bring this video along to show young people the church is the greatest thing on earth. Let's believe that God will use everyone of us here to do great things.

When God saved you like how the children of Israel in their entry into the promise land, there was a journey they had to go through, the wilderness.

Salvation is only the beginning. The journey is where they really see the nation of Israel and they see God. This is the purpose God saved the nation of Israel and established them as a nation.

For too long we have been looking at salvation as the focus of the church. We are more than being saved. We have to reach out to see the promise land. His Kingdom that he has prepared for us. So the church needs to demonstrate his Kingdom. His Kingdom coming on earth.

Too long we say to people you are saved and going to heaven. God has given you promises individually and as a church. But often we let that dream go off.

Exodus 13:17-18 (NIV)
17 When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” 18 So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle.

Deuteronomy 8:15 (NIV)
He led you through the vast and dreadful wilderness, that thirsty and waterless land, with its venomous snakes and scorpions. He brought you water out of hard rock.

When God delivered them from Egypt, he led them through the dessert instead of a shorter way. The Philistines were there and God knew they were not ready to face the Philistines. They were not ready.

Your transitional journey actually depends on you. It's not God's problem. It's your problem. It wasn't God that you are not ready. But it's a journey that you have to take before you enter the promise land.

There will be things that will happen that you did not think of but you have to be ready. To be ready for change. If you're not willing to change, you'll just be like the nation of Israel, stubborn and harden. We have to embrace change. The world is constantly changing but we cannot stay still. Time have moved on. So we need to ask God what is he doing at his moment.

Some people don't like change. They kept looking back at Egypt even through it was not a pleasant place. They were saved there but they were used to the life there.

Change is the norm in transition.

Moses was probably the most powerful leader but Moses could not lead them because they refused to change. Too often we look to leaders but it takes them to change. They blame Moses and the leaders and worst they blamed God. End of the day they have to change.

Even Moses the great man of God failed. Are you shocked? God told him to lead them into the promise land. Did Moses enter the promise land? No.

How did Moses fail? When God wanted to destroy them, Moses said God cannot do that. He said if you want to kill them kill me too. You think Moses has more mercy or grace than God? You're mistaken.

God listened to Moses but eventually Moses knew he should have listened to God if he had wanted to enter the promise land. So the people never entered the promise land. In transition many things will happen but we have to look to God and learn the lesson God wants us to learn.

The transition is a tough time.

We should be in that transition all the time. Because God is changing us from glory to glory so we are constantly in transition. Even if God has used us greatly in the past we have to look at what is now. He's looking at our good and not just our want. They expected instant results, like how they were delivered from Egypt, like salvation. God is looking at our long term success and not just now.

They would have caused havoc in the promise land if they are not ready. If we are going through difficulties, know it is to equip you so that you can inherit what he has for you. It's a journey that we have never been before. Doing things that we've never done before. So transition time is not an easy time. There are dangers like snakes and scorpions. Some will die and God knew.

They were not ready to face the Philistines. God is looking at the long haul. He's preparing you for your promise land. He has better and greater things for us. Don't worry about problems. He led them through the dessert.

Deuteronomy 8:16 (NIV)
He gave you manna to eat in the wilderness, something your ancestors had never known, to humble and test you so that in the end it might go well with you.

In the end it will go well with you. He is taking you step by step so that in the end it will go well with you. God will not take you to a battle that you are not ready or cannot win. God doesn't fight fair. He favours us.

It's something your father had never known. Don't say this is the way we do church. Don't look back to the past how you've done it. Manna was a new experience. Don't have a fix idea how church can be done? Have you seen a church like ours in Tawau? That's God. We're expecting greater things. God wants to lead you into new experiences. Be open. Not like the Jews that are harden. They settled for less because they were not willing to change.

Often instead of facing problems and move forward we stay back. God wants us to experience new experiences. That's exciting. The church today is not the same as the church of yesterday. It's the same God we have so God can do new things here too.

Before it happens you have to remember things will get worst before it gets better.

Numbers 20:4-5 (NIV)
4 Why did you bring the Lord’s community into this wilderness, that we and our livestock should die here? 5 Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink! ”

In this journey there will be times when you ask why. Why? Why? They were now facing difficulties and it seems to be worst than Egypt. Moses, why? There will be times things will get worst before it gets better. For our good. Not because God need to but we need it. There may be things that happens in church and you may say it shouldn't happen because it's in church. But you must know church is under construction. So it's messy and dirty but wait till it's completed and you'll see its beauty.

I don't want to tell you what happened that shouldn't happen but I'll tell you one because my members are not here.

In the midst of the building project, a small group left our church. We never expect it to happen but it happened. They thought if they leave the project will not happen. In our midst, has anyone given you one million before? You should be glad because if you can give one million means you have more. Here someone gave one million and he wanted it back. And if we don't give back he'll take us to court. When you go through transition things happen that you think won't happen in church. There are scorpions.

God sees things for the long term good. Not the immediate. God can handle any problems, just we cannot. So we have to put our hands in his and we're declared a winner but you may have to go through some problems.

Things will get worst before it gets better. It don't have to be but it does. And if you quit you'll miss what God has for you. We have to change our mindset. Look from God's perspective. Don't just moan and complain and miss your promised land.

When God leads you, he will not hand everything to us all at one time.

Deuteronomy 7:22 (NIV)
The Lord your God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you.

Little by little. Sometimes we're impatient because we think God takes such a long time. God wants to establish you before he takes you another step. If not it will collapse when it's tested. God knew. What we need to build. That's why they didn't conquer the nations all at once. How fast depends on us. How ready are we? To face those challenges.

Even if we are impatient, his timing is perfect.

In order to enter into the promise land. You have to fight. Those who refuse to fight will not enter. You've got to fight. There will be obstacles and difficulties and you've to fight. You have to have that warrior spirit. Even Caleb. Sometimes it's not us but because the people are not ready. Caleb and Joshua had to wait. But when the time came for him to enter he had to fight. You want to break through as a church there will be warfare and you'll have to fight.

The enemies occupied the promise land. Fortified cities and giants occupying the promise land. The goings that God is wanting to give you someone else is occupying them. Another kingdom is occupying them that's why you have to fight. Don't be afraid of problems. They're just stepping stones.

Great problems come with great miracles. Seven nations greater and stronger than Israel. So they had to fight. When we have problems and giants, we rise up. We will be giant killers. Like David. We are winners. That's who we are.

Don't just live because you are saved. We're just doing the religious thing. A lot of movement but not advancing. That's the wilderness experience. We aim for the promise land because the wilderness is not our destination.

Because our God is with us. Who would have thought in Tawau a church will build a building like that. A small church doing that. Because we have a great God. The same God is leading you through a new season. So I hope this message will encourage you as you enter a new season. Rising up together with the new leadership fighting to enter the promise land that God has for you.

Ps Teh delivering his sermon.

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