Sunday 16 August 2015

Miracle Working God

Rev Gideon Lee

God is a God of miracles. But if I ask you this question, how many of you need a miracle this morning? But sometimes we look at miracles and wonder when it will happen. A miracle requires participation from us. We need to play a part. And this morning I want to look at three ways how.

Mark 6:30-44
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
30 The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. 31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
32 So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place. 33 But many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them. 34 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.
35 By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him. “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it’s already very late. 36 Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”
37 But he answered, “You give them something to eat.”
They said to him, “That would take eight months of a man’s wages ! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?”
38 “How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.”
When they found out, they said, “Five–and two fish.”
39 Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. 40 So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. 41 Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. 42 They all ate and were satisfied, 43 and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. 44 The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand.

We all know this story. Jesus sent out his disciples and they reported to Jesus all that they had done. Many people came to them. Jesus  told his disciples to go to a remote place. A place to rest. Even Jesus  needs to rest. They needed a time of retreat.

But when Jesus landed he saw so many people already there that needed him. He had compassion for the people and he continued to minister until late in the evening. It was by then late and already dinner time.

Before a problem happened, Jesus  already had a solution. He is a miracle working God. Even when the disciples pondered on the problem of feeding these people, Jesus  already knew what to do. He asked them to search for any food.

It is surprising that with a crowd of 5000 people they only found 5 loaves and 2 fishes from a small boy.  The food from the boy was just enough for him or another person. Definitely not enough for 5,000 people. It was just buns and not a big fish. Then he offered these to Jesus and he prayed and sent them out.

In wanting our miracles we must learn to give the little that we have. The problem is that often the little that we have we don't give to God. We place it in God's hands because God is a God of multiplication.

When we come to God for our miracles we must participate with God. Not just be passive and ask God heal me. We have to get down on our knees and pray.

This morning I heard a testimony of a lady who makes a living by selling Kueh at the Jelutong market. She needed RM40,000.00 for an operation. So she prayed and felt she needed to apply for welfare. To get welfare is like getting a jackpot. Hard to get. But she obeyed the Lord and applied. The officers came to look at her house.

The daughter who stayed with her has an expensive dog worth a few thousand so she thought she'd never get. But she obeyed God and a letter came and she received RM30,000.00. Praise God.

Our 5 loaves and 2 fishes can feed more than 5,000. What do you have in your hands? Some of us have more than 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Maybe you need healing or a relationship. Place it in God's hands and you'll see your miracle.

Secondly, we need to have trust. The small boy could have asked Jesus what he wanted to do with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. But he just gave. The miracles only happened after the disciples fed the people. It happens when they started to trust God and do it.

They just continued to give and give and in the end there was leftovers. They trusted Jesus  and did not try to reason with God. Sometimes we try to reason our way with God to get our miracles. This is not how it works. Jesus  just say follow me.

Learns to do as God prompts you to do. Just like this woman in the Hokkien service. As the Lord leads you just do it instead of giving excuses.

As they gave, they pass it on. The person who received also pass it on. And as they do that everyone got to it.

The principle is that he blesses you so that you can be a blessing. Don't keep for yourself. Just like manna, it's fresh for the day. Don't keep and learn to give. When he provides a miracle for you it's for you to pass it on.

What's the biggest miracle that we have received? It's we are saved. Our salvation is the biggest miracle. We remember John 3:16 but we forget John 3:17. What's that? Through him the world may be saved. To save you so that you can share the gospel to others.

Coming to my conclusion. They saw the miracles God has done. God wants to participate with us to raise you up to be a blessing and a leader. To equip us to do the work of the gospel. God could have magically filled the stomach of the people. But God wanted their participation to equip them for the work.

When we have to work or go to our knees or to fast or to sacrifice our time what happens to us? We grow as a Christian. 5,000 were fed not including the women and children.

Do you have a need? Place what you have in his hands. Then just go and do it even if you don't understand or see the miracle yet. Then pass on the blessing. God teaches us to participate together. Unity is required. Same goes for the church. If the people are not united, God need to work in us and through us.

In church camp we remember, God do a good work in me and God do a good work through me.

I remember when I was growing up in church, I'll hear a word of prophecy or encouragement. Nowadays we seldom hear it. Like once in a blue moon. So rare. Why? If you have a prompting from God, obey. Say it.

Once I was asked to preach as a student at Bible school on a mission trip. After preaching, God prompted me and asked me to pray for the Holy Spirit baptism. I was still a student so I questioned God. But God spoke to me and said it is not me but him. So I obeyed and told them about the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and all of them raised up their hands. There was about 50 of them and as we prayed the people just began speaking in tongues. I didn't have to do anything. The Holy Spirit just swept through the place.

We need to learn to partner with God. It is him. We need to trust God and just do it as the Lord leads us. Let's do it. You want a miracle, let's participate with God. Let's work with him. 

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