Sunday 4 August 2013

Values Matter

Rev Gideon Lee

There was once a man walking down a dark road. A robber confronted him and he has a gun. He pointed the gun at the man and said "your money or your life". The man was silent for a while and after 15 minutes, no reply, and the robber got agitated and asked again, "money or your life". The man said wait, I am still thinking. The thing is we have lost focused on what's important.

There's another answer to this story, the man said I work at so and so, so I have neither money or life (laughs).

Luke 12:13-21
The Parable of the Rich Fool
13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 But he said to him, “Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?” 15 And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” 16 And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, 17 and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops? ’ 18 And he said, ‘I will do this:I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ 20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be? ’ 21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”

I would like us to think a few moments about our money and our life. Let's see what Jesus has to say about this.

Jesus was teaching in Galilee and someone from the crowd shouted out to to Jesus to divide his inheritance with his brother.

In the Jewish law, normally the eldest son will get two thirds of the property. So the person who shouted out could be the younger brother. He probably wants a fair share of his inheritance.

When we talk about money even siblings can become enemies. That is why I've seen families split apart because of the inheritance when the father died. Especially if there is no will. It can be messy. Jesus understood this. But He is not interested in this. He came to save the lost. So He took this occasion to share some important principles.

15 And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

The sum total of a person's life is more than his financial portfolio. Today's message is not about money but where we put our value. Jesus said to be careful of the greed.

Jesus said the rich man was a fool. Why?

1. He has his barns full but his heart was empty.

You all know when I dismiss you from service I pray that you would prosper even as your soul prosper. Our prosperity in life is not just material but also in the things of God. Are you rich in the things of God?

There was a quote that "I would rather invest in the hungry stomachs of the needy and the poor than in my purse." I pray that as Christians we understand where our value lies. Are we rich in the things of God? Why did I choose the mission of our church? Look at the poster on the wall. What are we called to do? Jesus placed value in souls, in the needy and poor. He came as a ransom for many. We are all His children.

When we love money more than we love God, we have a problem. It is not money that is the problem but the love for money.

There was this farmer who toiled on a piece of land which yield little crop. He got a once in a lifetime offer. A rich man came to this farmer and offered him this. As far as your feet can touch the land, I will buy it and give to you. But the condition is that by sunset you must come back to this very point or you get nothing.

So the farmer started walking and then he ran and by noon he has covered a lot of land. So he thought he would run for another hour. By then he was tired but did not want to stop because every step he made the land was his. By 3.00pm he was still walking and he remembered he has to run back. But it was not enough and he thought just one more step and one more and one more. That's so much like us.

At 4.00pm he thought he has to run back already. So he ran and ran and ran without stopping to drink. He didn't want to stop and near 6.00pm his whole body was aching and cramping but he still forced himself. Almost 10 minutes to 6.00pm he was crawling. Just a minute before 6.00, he put his hand to reach the finishing mark. He got all the land but sad to say he died. The only land he needed was a 6 by 3 piece. Some if us are like that, one more, it's never enough.

2. He overestimated his own value.

He said he has too much so I will tear down, I will build etc. he used the word I and my at least 10 times. God was never in the picture. I want all of us to know this. We can work like crazy but it is God that gives the increase. We cannot be so confident in our own abilities until we have no room for God. He lived for himself. It is God who has blessed us. God who has given that promotion and increment.

There was this man who did a research on crops. He discovered that the plants can get 95% of its resources from nature. Only 5% comes from the farmer. So it's not for the farmer to boast. We must be careful. Give God the glory.

3. He forgot what his real business in life is.

He thought it is to accumulate and enjoy what he has. It is all about himself. Our real business is in church. Do you agree with me? The souls that are going to hell by the seconds is our real business. The rest is side income. I pray that our business will be about people's life. Investing in people's lives. This man was a fool because all he did was for himself. It sounds like common sense. His business was just only about getting money. That should not be the business of the church. It is not to be successful but to be faithful. It is not about the size of the church. There are many pastors in small towns who are faithful and will be rewarded much more than me.

4. He forgot about time

I'm going to relax and enjoy the fruit of my labour but Jesus said tonight your soul is going to be demanded of you. He forgot about time. When we die we cannot take any of those things with us. We should be rich in souls. There is great reward in heaven for that.

There was this man who told his lawyer to put all his money and sell all his stocks and put the money into his coffin so that he can take it with him. The friend told his wife I hope you are not so stupid to do what your husband wanted you to do. The wife said I am a faithful wife. I sold everything and issued a cheque and placed it in his coffin. If he can cash the cheque in heaven then it's his (laughs).

You are a mature church. Today I should be talking about prayer and fasting but I wanted to show you what values do you hold? Do you want to be rich in the things of God? Values matter.

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