Sunday 11 November 2012


Rev Gideon Lee

Today I am going to talk to you about a controversial topic, a difficult topic for pastors to preach to their congregation, a topic that can cause us to loose members.

Mark 12:41-44
The Widow’s Offering
12: 41- 44pp – Lk 21: 1- 4
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything–all she had to live on.”

She put in everything. Today, your Pastor wants you to give everything.

As I said earlier on, when we talk about money, it is controversial topic and at best sensitive. It is not because money is difficult to talk about but because Pastors are paid by the church, so there is vested interest.

But just because it is difficult does not mean it should not be talked about. That would be sad because it is in the bible and for Jesus, one in every three sermon is about money.

So today I am going to talk about money.

Notice here, Jesus sat himself in front where people were bringing in money. At that time, people do not mind being seeing how much is being given.

There is this pastor who followed the offering bag when it was being collected. And he would know how much each member gave. And he told them, as much as I know how much you gave, I want you to know God knows how much you have.

At that time, they dropped their money into the treasury box placed at the front. And at that time there were no notes, it was coins and how much you dropped in can be heard.

And this woman dropped in two copper coins. And Jesus said she gave more than all the others. When we read this we do not see the emotion. This widow when she dropped in the two coins, Jesus must have sounded out to his discipled with excitement.

Jesus commend this woman for her two cents. Because first and foremost she gave out of her poverty. I am going to talk about why we do what we do. It's the motivation. What motivated this woman to give?

Why we give? Why we do what we do? This is important. Right motive is important.

First motivation is we have to first give of ourselves.

First we give ourself then we put in our resources. But often we do it the other way around. We put the cart before the horse. We put in our resources before we give of ourselves.

I have nothing against the rich. But here is a story where there was this rich man that gave little to the church. 

There was a very wealthy man who had never been known for his generosity to the church. The church was involved in a big financial program and they resolved to pay him a visit. When the committee met with the man one afternoon, they said that in view of his considerable resources they were sure that he would like to make a substantial contribution to this program.

"I see," he said, "so you have it all figured out have you.? In the course of your investigation did you discover that I have a widowed mother who has no other means of support but me." No, they responded, they did not know that. "Did you know that I have a sister who was left by a drunken husband with five children and no means to provide for them" No, they said, we did not know that either. "Well, sir, did you know also that I have a brother who is cripple due to an automobile accident and can never work another day to support his wife and family." Embarrassingly, they responded, no sir, we did not know that either. Well, he thundered triumphantly, I've never given any of them a cent so why should I give anything to you."

He had never given of himself therefore he never gave of his resources. Giving is an outgrowth. It is the inevitable result of the warmed heart. As we surrender ourselves to God and to loving our neighbor then we will want to give not only ourselves but our goods to him and to his church. We have put the cart before the horse. We say in the church: I give, therefore I am a Christian. Friends, it's just the reverse. It is because I am a follower of Christ that I give.

See this man did not give of himself. Our firstly motivation is we must give of ourselves. Is your life your own or God's?

Second, the bible says where your treasure is there is your heart. If God has your heart no problem with him having your money.

You know during baptism, we get into the pool and get baptised but we take our wallet out before going in. So looks like we come out a new creation but not our wallet. Maybe we should be baptised together with our wallets.

Third, when we talk about giving, it is not only about money. I am also talking about your time. Stewardship includes your time. You know when Wednesday comes so difficult to come for prayer meeting. How strange it is if the thing is important enough to you, you will make the schedule to go. It's just about priority.

When a baby comes out, you will likely forget everything. When you first hold the baby, all the labour pains and suffering just vanishes. And the baby, everyone will say so cute. And even when he poop in his pants, it's still cute. But can you imagine when he is all grown up and still do that it's no longer cute.

We cannot be spiritual babies all the time. We have to mature. And as you begin to serve, you have to draw from God and that's when you mature. From receiving, you begin to give.

I want to tell you the big party is a big opportunity to serve. We are there to serve the community. We are not there to eat or to spend our time but to serve because these people are closest to the heart of Jesus. And don't say you are too old. There is no retirement in God's kingdom. Only promotion, no demotion.

What is your motivation about giving? Even about tithing. Some people come and tell me, "do we have to give 10%?" If you ask me I say 100%. If you are earning 500.00 you may think it's easy to give your tithes. Only 50.00. But when you earn 10,000 or 20,000 you will be tithing 2,000.00. That's a lot of money and you think it is hard to give.

What is your motivation? In every service when the offering bag is being passed around I make it a point to give. How often, we look into our wallet and see we have no small change or we take the smallest note to give?

What is your motivation? God don't need your money. There was a time when I had only 50.00 in my wallet and the offering bag was coming. I asked God whether I can "hutang" and give next week. But God convicted me. I hear God said, am I not worth 50.00? I was so convicted and repented. The good thing is, after church someone provided for my lunch. God is good.

I want to give because it makes God happy. God loves a cheerful giver. We should give because we want to. Too often we give because of a need. Let's just give because God deserves it, not just because of a need. We give beyond the need because we are so grateful to God. It is the outflow of who we are.

The widow when she gave, Jesus said she gave more than all the rest put together.

Another thing is we often give because God will bless you with more. If that is the case then our giving is like an investment. Yes, God will bless but there must be a right motive.

I want to tell you a real story. I went to visit a widow and spent time talking and praying with her. Just as I was leaving, she said wait and went to the kitchen to look for an Ang Pow packet. Then she took out 50.00 to put into the Ang Pow. I told myself I will not take from her as she is a widow.

I am very careful when receiving love offering. I mean sometimes when I speak in a church and receive offering, I sometimes give it back because the church is so poor.

When the widow gave me I said no. No drama. Then God spoke to me and said Gideon, the money is not for you but for her. I ask God "what? but she is giving to me." And God said it is for her. If you do not take from her I cannot bless her.

Let's give from our heart. I am very proud of TOP because I can see how you give. What about your time? Come to me and I'll find you a place to serve. Or you may say you are too old. Come and see me, I'll find a place for you to serve. If God can use Caleb, you are never too old. Or too young. I like this. Come to me, I'll wait for your to grow up.

There was this pastor who approached a young man to serve God. But he said "oh Pastor, let me focus on my studies first, then I will serve God." After he finished his studies, the pastor approached him again, but he said, "oh, I have to go out to work to earn a living so maybe later." Then when he has a steady career and income, the pastor again approached him to serve. "Oh, now is not a good time pastor, I am getting married and raising a family, maybe later after my children grow up, I will have more time."

Before long, all his children have grown up and he is now free of his responsibilities in raising his children. The pastor thought this is a good time to ask him again. But he said, "no pastor, this is the time in my life when I want to enjoy my life and reap the rewards of my labour. Maybe after I have traveled and see the world, then I will serve God." But at the end of the day, the man is now too old and too feeble to serve God. It is has become too late.

Note: I did not get to finish the actual transcription of the story above but you get the idea.
So friends, the moral of the story is this. I think it is okay to do all those things, but as you are doing that, are you serving God where God has placed you? Will you serve him?

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