Sunday, 27 December 2015

One Body, Many Parts

Bro Kenny Song

If you are surprised to see me up here…you are not alone. I am just as surprised when pastor asked me to take this last Sunday of the year. Pastor Gideon has been very gracious towards sharing the pulpit. We have all been blessed by Bro Koay, Sis Melinda and Bro Vive's pulpit ministry. I always look forward to home-cooked food. Bro Koay's is like going to theological seminary, you get doctrinal gems, my wife…she loves to tell stories, much like our Lord with his parables and bring across hard truths simply and Bro Vive, being a corporate man bring biblical truth systematically to all of us. Aren't we all blessed?

Me? I don't think you guys have heard me… but if Jesus can use a donkey, hopefully he can use me. But please don't address me as a donkey after service :)

Since this is the last Sunday of the year, I would like all of us to look at ourselves in the context of TOP and ask ourselves this simple question. Why am I here? Why am I in Tabernacle of Praise? Why did God place me within this body of Christ? I want you to hang on to this question.

If you have a US dollar, (Bro Jacob, he always has some in his wallet?) you will find the Latin words E Pluribus Unum. It is the motto found on the Great Seal of the United States. A symbol of an eagle holding Olives on one claw and 13 arrows on the other. This words are on a ribbon held by it's beak. A committee of the Continental Congress consisting of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, adopted the phrase E Pluribus Unum, which means “out of many, one” and refers to the idea that the United States is one nation consisting of several different states. Out of many, one nation. Today, the country has grown from the original 13 states (much like Malaysia) to 50 states but the vision remains the same: From the many states, and from different races, backgrounds and nations of origin, one united nation, the United States of America. Out of many, one.

Paul could very well have used this motto in 1 Corinthians 12 in his description of the church as the body of Christ. He uses the physical human body as a metaphor for the church, an analogy to explain how the church is designed to function in the purpose of God.

1 Corinthians 12:12-27
One Body, Many Parts
12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one bodywhether Jews or Greeks, slave or freeand we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.15 If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

The bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And Paul chose to use this body of ours as analogy, and I say this is the best analogy, even better than E Pluribus Unum. Because v18 says God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. Not the pastor, your department head or your cell leader, but God.

I was recently involved with IMU Healthcare in developing a campaign that addressed a core issue with healthcare in Malaysia. The CEO I dealt with (an Adventists) has been in Healthcare in Malaysia for the past 35 years and he says this. It has become a huge business, often driven by business goals. Look at all the hospitals that are expanding. Gleneagles, Loh Guan Lye, Adventist etc. There are quotas to achieve, equipment to pay off and beds to fill. To some, being a doctor has become a job, not a calling. He says Adventist Hospital's motto was simple, "God Heals, We Help".

Surgery testimony - Incidentally, I was assigned to take a photo sequence of a gall bladder operation at Adventist Hospital and I saw how once a patient goes under anaesthesia, the surgeons and his team hold hands around the patient and prayed before the procedure. (God heals, we help).

Today, it is said that when a patient enters the hospital, we see Dollar $igns walking in. This is because of the one doctor, one patient system. Doctors are rewarded for procedures, not the health of the patient. They are required to bring back a return of investment by the hospital for million dollar equipment. They are to fill the beds due to the expansion programmes of the hospitals.

So IMU takes on a different approach. Doctors will be salaried and rewarded for the health of a patient. They are not rewarded because they performed an operation. You may hurt your back and before an x-ray is performed, the chiropractor takes a look at you.

One patient, a team of caretakers. Because…listen to this…the body is an organism and to ensure the health of that organism, every part of the body has to be healthy. Dietician, patient counselling, treatment, physiotherapy are all part of a plan to empower patients to be responsible for their own health and to take care of their body.

Now let's step back and look at the church today. We have so many programmes and methods to grow the church…in the name of God…to expand His kingdom. The question is…like healthcare, has it become a kind of business run like an organisation rather than a calling led by Christ?

Yes, we are the body that God needs, to establish his kingdom, but there is a difference…we are NOT THE HEAD. Christ is. Not just the head but also the cornerstone of the church. It is God that adds to the church.

Several times in this passage Paul makes the point that though it is made up of many parts and consists of many members, they are all part of one body. Notice what he says beginning in verse 12: This body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.

Today, let us see what we can learn from this passage and how it applies to you and me within this body of Christ, Tabernacle of Praise.


Notice what Paul says in verse 21:The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” Nor, as Paul says in verse 15, would the foot cease to be part of the body if it said: “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body.”

The bottom line is this: In the body of Christ, we need each other, and we belong to each other. We understand that no one can rightly say: “I’m useless. I have nothing to offer.” And no part of the body can say, with an attitude of superiority, to another part of the body: “I don’t need you.” 

Maybe you’ve heard the story about a visit D.L. Moody made to a prominent Chicago businessman. The man said to Moody: “I believe I can be just as good a Christian without the church as I can be with it.” Moody said nothing in response. Instead, he went over to the fireplace where a fire was blazing to give heat against the winter cold. He removed a single burning coal and placed it on the side. The two men sat in silence as the hot coal died out. “I see,” said the man. “I’ll be in church on Sunday.” 

Some people believe they don’t need the church, they don’t need to come to church, they don’t need to be part of the church in order to live as a follower of Christ. They think they can go it alone in the Christian life. They think they can be “lone ranger Christians.” 

We belong to each other in the body of Christ. We need each other. When you are cut off from one another, the fire of our faith and love can grow dim.

There is nothing or no one who is too insignificant to be an important part of the body of Jesus Christ. Remember that! What you do and who you are.

There are many unsung heroes in TOP. Things many of us takes for granted. Who does the PowerPoint for the announcements each Sunday? Yi Lin (claps). Who plans the Worship and Duty Roster each week? Alvin (claps). Who prepare the Communion for us each first Sunday of the month? Who is overseeing the renovation of our 4th Floor sanctuary? I always marvel at Bro Wilbur's resourcefulness and energy (claps). What I'm trying to say is what we do for God is never too insignificant or unimportant. Why? Because it is in service for the king of kings and Lord of lords. Is what Bro Koay, Bro Vive or Sis Melinda does more important than what Bro Wilbur does? No!

I like that illustration by Pastor Lawrence about us seeing the eyes, the nose, the arms and legs of a person yet the parts of the body hidden like our liver, heart and kidneys are just as important if not more so. That's why they're called vital organs. We don't see them, but  they are vital to the health and function of the body.


Though this is obvious, it needs to be said and understood. We differ from one another for good reasons.

I am very different from my wife. I hate spoilers, she loves them. She likes fiction, I only read non-fiction. She loves to dance, I only dance on the badminton court.

Recently she was videoed doing a Nyonya Dance performance. And she proudly showed me the video before bed. 5 minutes long the video! After about one minute, I handed back her smartphone and she got offended! Didn’t watch until finish (laughs). I ask you how to watch until finish? 5 minutes you know? Then I found an escape clause. I said if I showed her a football match how long will she watch the video? I think less than 30 seconds la. We are different but we celebrate our differences and that adds diversity in our lives. Maybe that's why opposite attracts.

Paul says is v17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?

A body that is all eyes or all ears or just a giant foot isn’t a body. Each member of the body of Christ, is unique, distinctive, irreplaceable, and different. There has never been a member of Christ’s body just exactly like you. Or me. And there is a particular role in the body that God has uniquely designed each of us to perform. The body of Christ, thank God, we are not made up of cookie-cutter Christians - like the gingerbread man! All look the same.

We all differ from one another. We have been designed by God to complement one another that is complement with an e. We were designed by God to fit well together. To work well together. To play on each others gifts and strengths. With each member doing his/her part for the healthy functioning of the whole.

I am always encouraged by my cell members. Each of them have different gifting and all of them is always ready to serve. But you need them to serve in their gifting and they take it like fish to water and ever so willingly. Bro Koay is our emergency facilitator. Anyone who cannot take the word that evening goes to him. He is ever-ready. In fact I think he shares better when you ask him last minute. That's why he's so good for funerals (laughs). But don't ask him to song lead. He admitted he used to be tone deaf but I think he has improved tremendously. Bro Alan is our impromptu song leader. The Choong brothers offer their homes as emergency venue.

Bro Rodney and Andrew are our event managers. They can organise anything easily. But with Rodney so busy nowadays, Sis Joyce have stepped up. And our tax collector is Sis Esther. When it comes to collecting money, she is queen. We collect for homes we support. The cell is also a giving cell. And I have a very capable assistant cell leader in Bro Tommy. Always faithful in all that is asked of him.

All of them are very different. That is why Sis Joyce testified that even though there is an age gap, she fits right in. And through the cell, Bro Hooi, Tommy, Andrew have become a part of this body of Christ.

How many of you enjoyed the Christmas dance performance? They gave their time and talent over months of practice. If you asked all my cell members to do that dance, I think you'll faint first. We all have different gifts because we are different parts of the same body.

Last but not least,


In verses 25 and 26, Paul says there is to be no division and no dissension in the body, but every part should have respect and concern for one another. Every part of the body should care for one another. 

When one part of the body is hurting or in pain, the whole body feels it. If you accidentally kicked the curb and hurt your foot, would you mouth say "padan muka?" And when one member is honoured or has a reason to celebrate, the whole body shares its joy. As Paul says in Romans 12:15, we are to “rejoice with those who rejoice” and to “mourn with those who mourn.”

The way we care for one another is by knowing one another and by entering into each other’s joys and sorrows. By sharing our hopes and disappointments, our hurts and heartaches, our victories and our struggles. We come alongside one another to support one another and to spur one another on. To love one another. That is also why the cell is the perfect place to develop meaningful relationships.

We serve as a family. We honour one another above ourselves. We bear with one another. We pray for one another. We comfort one another. We encourage one another. We share with one another. We forgive one another. We bear one another’s burdens. And in so doing, we fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2)

Let's recap what this passage teach us. Within this body of Christ:
  1. We need each other
  2. We are all different
  3. We care for each other

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Sometimes we can be like that in church.

Do you remember the questions I asked at the beginning?

Why am I here? Why am I in Tabernacle of Praise? Why did God place me within this body of Christ?

Or I can put it in another way.

Have you found your distinctive role, your ministry function in the body?
Have you looked for it? Have you prayed about it?
Have you asked God to show you where and how you fit best in the body?

Sometimes we think we volunteer our services. Do slaves volunteer? The Bible calls us love slaves because we have been bought with a price. He paid our ransom. We are not serving the church. We are serving God and one another.

Let us reflect on whether we have found our function in this body of Christ. As we enter 2016, let us put our hands to the plough because many makes the load lighter. Labourers are indeed few. We can't do everything but by doing something all of us can fulfil God's plan for this church, which is you and I. Let's take our walk with God to the next level in 2016 and serve in an area of our calling. Pastor will be sharing on GST at watch night service. Come and find out what it is.

Friday, 25 December 2015

The Best Gift on Christmas

Rev Gideon Lee

This morning I want to talk to you about the Twelve days of Christmas. How many of you remember the Song?  On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…up to the Twelve day. Someone actually took the trouble to calculate based on those twelve days and do you know how much it would cost? Someone calculated and it would cost us RM34,000. Christmas can be a very expensive event. If you go to the shopping malls, they're trying to get you to buy stuff. To get you to buy things for Christmas.

I know Christmas can sometimes mean gifts. Take for a moment the presents that you have bought thus far. How much would you have spent? When I grew up, my family was not big on giving gifts. I don't remember getting a gift growing up. But on my wife's side it is very important. But how many of you know the gifts need not be expensive? It's nice but it need not be expensive. Not everyone of us will get an iPhone 6s. Or a Gucci handbag? The real one of course.

The greatest gift is from Jesus, God's one and only son. So it brings me to this point about Christmas. God didn't give much thought about the wrappings. He sent him to a carpenter. A working class person.

If it's me I would have chosen a better family, maybe royalty. But God sent his son to an ordinary carpenter. And not only that he was born in a manger. Joseph almost could not find a place. Imagine if I were the King of kings I would have maybe chosen the Ritz Carlton. Or E&O hotel.

And who announced the birth? Not on the tabloid or TV but by lowly shepherds. Back then shepherds were not important people. They were not rich. Politically they had no power. We always think expensive is good but Jesus' birth was so ordinary.

I need to say that it's not about the cost of the gift but it's the thought that went into it. Please don't misunderstand this, I value every gift received. But the gift that is most valuable are the gifts that have received a lot of thought when you were buying. It's the time you spent thinking about the person.

We think of what the person need for Christmas. And often it need not be expensive but the time spent thinking of it.

I want to share something. I've been married 15 years. And every anniversary, you think what can you get for your spouse. Diamond rings already bought. Wah, Sis Melinda say she has ten fingers! The dress already bought. Some anniversaries you just scratch your head on what to buy. One of those anniversary, I was thinking really hard. Then I thought of something. This is not copyrighted so husbands you can use it. On my wedding I kept everything. The invitation cards, envelopes, trimmings, everything.

My wife is not here so I can say this. I even kept the menus and the vouchers for each table. I'm an OCD. I'm quite sentimental. I had the vouchers from the hotel. I kept. I shifted from Klang so I could have thrown everything. But I kept them. So I thought of doing a walk down memory lane. So I took all the pictures, all the mementos and I went to Tesco without my wife knowing anything about this. I bought an album that you can paste things in.

From page one, I thought of what to put in. The guest list, I thought of everything. More than 20 pages and I wanted a story line. I did it all and the first time was not so nice so you know what I did? I took it out again. But the gum was not so nice anymore. So I went to Tesco again and bought two albums, the same one. Just in case. Oh my wife is here (laughs).

So to cut the long story short, I did everything and on our anniversary I gave it to her. When she first got it, no reaction. No reaction! I said dear, Happy Anniversary. She opened it, still no reaction. Page two, no reaction and she looked through the whole thing and she turned to me and no reaction. She just said thank you dear, close the book and put it in the drawer. Every guy understands what I mean right?

You have just climb the mountain and you would have expected your wife to say at least "I love you". At least a hug la. Thank you dear. I'm not saying this to embarrassed my wife. I know she love me. I appreciate her. I think what I did is not comparable to what she has sacrificed for me. She gave me four children. Your wife deserves the best. If you can give it to your wife. Appreciate your wife. Not only on Valentine's Day. We need to appreciate one another.

I want to talk about the gift the Lord gave us. It did not look impressive but God took time to send his one and only Son. In the fullness of time, God sent his only Son. He thought about each one of us and what we needed and he sent his only Son.

When he was looking at us struggling in our sins, he thought of what he can give us. If you needed riches. He would have sent you riches. If you needed wisdom, he would have sent a teacher. But on Christmas he sent the best, his one and only Son.

We could not save ourselves. He sent the best gift ever. In his coming, it may not look spectacular but he thought of us and sent his only son. He sent the best gift ever on Christmas day.

He sent his one and only Son. One and only Son. He did not have four or five, he sent his one and only Son. It was a very good gift he gave us. That's why we celebrate his birth.

So when you give a Christmas gift, remember that God also thought about us and sent to his one and only Son, the best gift ever. That's why he's Emmanuel, God is with us. God with us. As we celebrate his birth, I want us to remember he is coming back again.

When we look around us we say God please come back soon. When we look at the scripture and we know there is hope in the future. I don't know about you but we don't know what holds for us in 2016. But because of Christmas we can look at it with hope. Because God is with us.

Even as I come to an end, I pray that your Christmas will be a meaningful Christmas. For my children it's their gifts. They can't wait to open their gifts. Jayden just celebrated his birthday and all he was concerned about was his presents. He's asking when can I open my presents? Some of my children bargained with me. They said tomorrow busy so can we open our Christmas now? I said no, wait till tomorrow, Christmas day. They already segregated their Christmas presents.

My prayer is that when it's Christmas we will be like that. Not that we look forward to our presents but to look to the best gift that God gave us. The best present that you can give someone is the gift of the gospel. That the person will come to know the Lord as Lord and Saviour. This is what Christmas is all about. The best gift ever. The best gift that I can give someone. I know you have your plans for today. I'm sure you'll gather together and exchange gifts. May you remember the best gift this morning. God in the fullness of time thought of what we needed and sent the Saviour. So this morning have a blessed Christmas.

I pray you will spend time with your family. It's a time to forgive. The best time, to be reconciled. Remember God sent his only Son so that we can be reconciled back to God.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Christmas Story

The position for a breakthrough is to be humble before God. To be completely transparent before him. Amen?

This morning I had a wonderful time at the Hokkien service. I just enjoyed myself. It's been my 39th year full time serving the Lord and I'm wondering how long more I will continue to serve God.

Our children were born here and my father was here as a prisoner of war during the Japanese occupation. I picked up a lot of stories from my father so this place is very precious to me. And I have a sense of connection with this place. God kept my father alive so that's why I am here. When I get invited Penang I just cannot say no not because of the food but because of the connection.

Penang is a beautiful sight from Penang hill especially when I first came to Penang with one bag and both of us experienced a divine encounter. We just wept and wept and wept touched by the spirit of God for Penang. In the midst of all the captivity and oppression, I came to understand through the many years, God gave us a promise that his power will bring his plans and promises to pass.

We came with two bags but left with 60 boxes and two children, one boy and one girl. They are proud to be Penang born. God still loves the people of Penang. The Holy Spirit is still working powerfully in Penang and it is God that brought his gospel here.

Today, let me continue with the Christmas Story.

Isaiah 9:1-2
To Us a Child Is Born
1 Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan–
2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

This Christmas Story was prophesied even at that time 700 years ago. There was a spiritual darkness that covered the land of Israel and Isaiah prophesied that God will give us a son. This was a prophesy. That the gloom and doom will not last forever. This was the promised given.

When you read about the whole world situation today, I want to say that there is good news that will come. Those that recognised the messiah as their Saviour, they will have hope.

Galatians 4:4
But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law,

Jesus came at the right time. Never too early or too late. Whatever God promises he will bring it to pass. And whatever he planned it will not be hijacked or obstructed but it will come to pass.

There will be a quickening in our heart that he is no ordinary Messiah but that he came for my sin and your sin. Very personal.

He is called Wonderful Counsellor.

He will be the King of the Jews. That's why Herod felt threatened. So he killed all children two years and below. He is no ordinary king. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. No one can dethrone Jesus. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. A name above every name. There is power in that name. And he will carry out a plan that will marvel the world. A marvellous plan and it will come to pass.

He is the Mighty God.

I pray that you will catch a deeper revelation of who he is. The world don't like to be told what to do. Just grant them a revelation of who he is that they may know God for who he is. All of the transformation will happen inside their lives.

He is not Jesus my Saviour. We have to move on from there. I am married to my wife for 42 years and I am still trying to figure her out. What more about God. More mysterious than my wife. My knowledge of knowing him continues to grow daily. What matters most is that we were born to know God. It's all about knowing about the one we will live with for eternity. Success is knowing the master. You have succeeded if you know more about God.

The Everlasting Father.

He carries the lamb in his arms close to his heart. Isaiah saw a glimpse of the Messiah as a Shepherd. Who carry his lambs close to his heart. The Christmas Story, Isaiah saw it 700 years ago.

The world is headed for destruction. Like Noah's time. We know the story. The flood came and all was destroyed except for him and his family. The Bible said there will be earthquakes and famine. It's prophesied in this book a long time ago. That there is trouble in the world. Until today the Bible is the best seller in the world. It reveals to us what is to come so that we can live our life to the maximum. If we respond to the grace of God just like Noah, our family will be saved.

Last night I testified about how God saved my son's life from drowning. The world is drowning in sin.

Most Bible students finish their degree and they leave. I was different. What I learnt in class in the morning I apply in the afternoon. It's called practical theology. I faced the most difficult people at the centre. One of them is a young man who's now at DUMC. Not just him but I have about 7 young men whose life has been transformed. What God plan he will bring it to pass. His plans are not impossible but if it is our plans, it can bring a lot of frustration. His plans are the best plans that can happen in our life. He is not a God that he should lie. He will always keep his promises. Whatever he promises will come to pass. He is perfect. He is God. One of the promises that he makes is that he will never leave you nor forsake you.

He not just had the plan to save the world, but he had the power. New age says I have the power but Christianity says God has the power.

He is described as the Mighty God. Amy sang the song this morning.

Abraham was given a promise of God at 75 years old. That he will make him the father of nations. Sarah was 10 years younger. God decided to make it even longer so that it is really really impossible. At 99 and 89, it is biologically impossible. By the time Abraham was 99, he was almost giving up and God reminded him he made him a promise. If I was Abraham I would ask for some details. Like who's the best doctor or what fertility pill can make it work? All God did was reveal himself. A revelation of himself.

El Shaddai. No one can resist me. I am all powerful and almighty. To bring it to past. That's the revelation and one year later Isaac came into the picture. Sarah laughed. I'm going to get pregnant at 89? What will my neighbours think? It's impossible. But with God the impossible becomes possible. If he promised it, and for his plans to come to pass, the invisible becomes visible.

I struggled with God for my healing. It became not about my healing but about God testing me. This body and this eye doesn't belong to me. If I have to be a one-eyed preacher, I will be a one-eyed preacher to God. To die to myself then the miracle happens. No longer my plans but God's plans. It's not Jesus follow me but that God's plan is our plans. Literally giving your life and go with his flow. And the revelation of God will come to you. That was what happened to Abraham. He was a rich man at that time but he let go in his journey with God. Abraham and Sarah had a child.

Christmas. How could Mary have a child? What was impossible became possible because it was prophesied 700 years ago. The Mighty God. El Gibor. Today you learn a new word. Jesus is a real person that walked this earth. He became fully God and fully man so that he can be touched and be heard. So that when you see him you see God. He wants  to be with you. That's our God. Nothing complicated. Our everlasting hero. Our real hero.

When my granddaughter was about to be born, we were so excited. But my daughter-in-law started bleeding and we thought she may abort. She was bleeding for months and months even when she was about to deliver. I'm told by my son that she bled so much that half her blood in her body was lost. They had to do blood transfusion during delivery. All we can do is to pray and pray and pray. Trust in God. God uses these trouble in our lives for us to continue to trust in him. This is life in reality. It's not text book or theory. When my granddaughter born, my son told me to come and watch my beautiful granddaughter. I am biased but she's most beautiful. When I went to carry her, my son said be careful, be careful. As if I have never carried him before (laughs). So precious. We are all so precious to God that he hold us close to his heart. And God said to me, this is how I carry you. And at that time I went through a very difficult time in my ministry. I went though a depression at that time. Don't think preachers are superman. I was not.

Just as a father carries a son, this is how God will carry you until you reach you final destination. That is God's comfort to us in our life.

Finally, God is personal.

His name is called Emmanuel.

God gives us a revelation that he is a creator. A general revelation that there is a God but Christmas is his specific revelation to the world.

One of the things I love is to talk to my granddaughter over Skype or Face time. She has a funny accent. I can see and hear her. And she place her hands on the screen but we can't touch. I can see and hear her but I can't touch her. Sometimes I think of God like that. He could have just talk and show us and not come down. He chose to send his only son so that we can touch him. To see him.

The woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus' cloak and a miracle happened. He is with us. Emmanuel. God with us. He will come and stand with you in you trouble. He is our advocate. He promised he will never leave you or forsake you. That is the promise of God.

At the end of the day, we can't bring one sand with us. Not your house, your BMW, your Mercedes. Nothing. All we have is the promise of God. I will never leave you. I will never forsake you.

Amy Yeoh and team led us in an acoustic worship session
Ps Gideon praying for Amy, Marcus and Melvin before they left to catch their flight home.
Rev Ronald Ooi - The Christmas Story

Rev Ronald Ooi praying for Ps Gideon

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Christ the Suffering Servant

Bro Koay Kheng Hin

This is the Christmas season so I am wondering if this message is appropriate. We sing "Joy to the world" and here I am talking about the suffering servant. But I believe after the message we will find Christmas even more meaningful.

I met with a young man and when I say young he is about 40 and I say still young man. He is an unbeliever and he said life is full of suffering. 

As we look into the Bible where man say life is suffering,  to the religious tradition and philosophers,  they only touched on half truths.

When we look at life, there is no way it is just ups with no downs. Life is about uncertainty. Sometimes that uncertainty can come through a visit to a doctor, or a boss calling you into his room, or one fine day you go home and your wife say I no longer can stay with you, or a call comes in and it bears bad news.

One day I said this at a wake service. The one thing about the certainty of life is the certainty of uncertainty. You cannot wake up one day and say you have your future in your hands.

If you know there are uncertainties in life, we know that good prosperous times will be interjected with suffering and pain, we need to ask this question - if down the line, we meet a challenge that challenges us, have we ever thought how we will tackle it?

There are 3 ways people handle suffering.

One is they fear suffering and they put it on the back burner. They say it will happen to everyone but me. That is the fear of suffering.

The second one is they realise it will happen but what to do? Suffer also suffer la because we are born to suffer.

And of course there are those who say everything is an illusion. You can say in so many ways pain is an illusion but when he has a toothache he will know how real pain is.

How do the children of God handle suffering?

Fear of suffering is not the way. Denying it is also not it. I believe it is to embrace suffering. Embrace suffering is not to want suffering. Not to wish for suffering. If you do I'll send you to Lam Wah Ee psychiatric ward. Something is seriously wrong with you if you look for suffering.

So what is embracing suffering? To embrace is first and foremost to accept it and that it is real and true. And we all do have a problem. But it does not stop there. It is more than to accept it as reality. It is to go beyond acceptance but know that we have victory over that suffering.

What is the difference between a believer and an unbeliever that is not well? I had a non-Christian friend who was unwell and the words that came out was he has no hope. And why it happened to me? What can I do or look to alternative medicine? You can see he is in despair.

But we see some of our Christian friends who have also been unwell. And some say they are fine. And they have peace and they have left their life in the hands of the almighty God. And that God will pull him through. He is not well but he is okay. It's true.

The child of God has embraced his suffering and he also knows he will have victory.

My mother is not well and she has gone for a review this morning. But my mother encourages me more than I encourage her. She say don't worry so much. Every day is a blessing from God. She is much more at rest than me. At times I also suffer wondering. But she is an encouragement to me. Why? She has embraced that life will have mortality. But in Christ she knows she has victory and the grace of God is sufficient for her.

When we go through a time of need, as children of God we run to God. Even unbelievers will run to God but we run in the right direction.

Yes in the time of need we look to God and come to Christ but what Christ do we see? A Christ seated at the right hand of God and his deity in majesty or do we see Christ in his perfect humanity.

As much as he is the perfect God, he is at the same time the perfect man. When we say Christ the Suffering servant we see Christ as the perfect man.

Isaiah 53:3
He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Jesus was a man of sorrow. He was like one where man hide from his face. He was despised. That is our suffering Saviour.

Isaiah 53:4-5
Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:6
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

He carried our sorrows. It was all for us. He was familiar with suffering and was physically pierced.

Now we want to look at the Christmas Story and see how it mirrors these verses. Here we see Jesus just before going to the cross.

Matthew 26:38
Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

This is the picture of a man in sorrow and suffering. The story tells us that Judas came and betrayed Jesus to be arrested. How did Jesus addressed Judas? He called him friend. Jesus faced betrayal from a man he has discipled for 3 years.

In Jesus the man, his humanity is real. He hungers and thirst just like us, but Jesus calls him friend. Judas sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver which is the worth of a slave. Jesus was betrayed.

Peter was always the first to protect Jesus. But Jesus already knew. When Jesus was arrested, Peter denied Jesus not once but three times. You must know how Jesus feels.

Then came the physical pain. If you saw the Passion of Christ, you'll know how it was. He has both emotional and physical pain. Today's Star, an article says emotional pain can sometimes be more hurtful than physical pain. A cut can heal but emotional pain can last a lifetime.

I want to tell you the feeling of being rejected is very real. Finally the straw that would have broke the camel's back is this. Jesus throughout his life always had the comfort of the Father's presence and the presence of the Holy Spirit. But when the wrath of God came upon him, the presence was not felt by him.

Jesus bore the pain of the cross physically, emotionally and spiritually alone. It is the alone that is most difficult. That's why we have the befrienders. Having someone that goes through with you makes a difference. Jesus died with a broken heart. My God my God why have you forsaken me?

Jesus could have called legions of angels to come rescue him. What kept him on the cross? It was a demonstration of his love for us that kept him on the cross. Even for those that mock at him or laugh at him. Jesus said father forgive them for they know not what they do. Were they really ignorant? No. Some of those there saw his miracles. The Pharisees were there and chose to crucify him with their legalistic views. That was the grace of Christ our Lord to say forgive them.

Jesus' cries of anguish is a Christ that is poignant but also a tragic cry. Why have you forsaken me? To an unbeliever, the cross seems to be a tragedy. That Good Friday is not a good Friday. They see the cross as a tragedy. They saw an innocent man being crucified. An innocent man condemned to crucifixion. But for all of us we know. That the cross was a triumph. That in Jesus and in his statement that it is finished, he is like a Phoenix that rises. His triumph was completed when he rose again on the third day. As Christians we must understand it was for us and the life of God and it was not a tragedy but a triumph for God and for us. A triumph when the spoils were for us. But it was bought with pain and suffering and blood. And we must not take the blood of Christ for granted.

We now inherit the wholesomeness as a child of God. It is because Jesus' body was broken for us.

So now in your time of need or suffering what do you do? Our God is there. Jesus already died for you on the cross and he is there to provide, protect and to pull your through.

  1. When you suffer Come to Jesus.

Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet was without sin.

When you suffer, remember He suffered even more. If you feel abandoned, He was abandoned even more. Jesus is the ultimate empathiser.

If you have a situation when your marriage goes through a problem, and you see a friend who has a perfect marriage they may not know the pain you go through. Empathising is someone who has spent time with people who has gone through what you go through. But make sure they have victory over their situation. But more so, come to Jesus. He knows what you go through. After Calvary, no one needs to be alone in their pain. He is always there and he will draw towards us. We will be enveloped by his love because he understands. When you talk to Christ and come to him he emphasises with you.

  1. When suffering Look to Jesus

Hebrews 12:2-3
2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Look to Jesus like how Jesus looked up to heaven and said Father forgive them for they know not what they do. That's how you can forgive those that hurt you. Some people leave the church because of hurts. Learn to look to Jesus to forgive.

Some of us don't like bosses that can talk but don't do. But those bosses that also do and put their hands on the plough is different. There is nothing that the Lord ask of you he has not done. When he say forgive, he has forgiven. When he say sacrifice, he has sacrificed.

  1. When suffering He is an Enabler

Romans 8:37
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

His life for you will enable you to go through all of your suffering and pain. In the meaningless of your suffering, you will be more than conquerors, when you embrace your suffering in him.

Suffering comes with the human condition. You will have victory over it and rise above your suffering and there is a meaning attached to it. God uses it as you look to God as Paul writes.

Romans 5:3
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;

Note that we do not rejoice for suffering. We rejoice in our suffering. That's the difference. Suffering produces perseverance. That's how God moulds you. Character is moulded in the crucible of suffering.

James 1:2-4
2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Maturity comes though suffering. That is spiritual maturity. But today it is twisted. There are those who says if you believe in Jesus you'll be prosperous. So the bigger your car, the more spiritual you are. They have a mistaken identity of the God they worship. They worship the god of prosperity and they call him Jesus. Or they say if you are a Christian you should not suffer. Again, they have a mistaken identity of the God they worship. Suffering is real, and Jesus went through it so will we.

As Christians we are more than conquerors in our suffering with Jesus. When you have Jesus, it is enough. For his grace is sufficient for you.

God's Work by God's Power

Pastor Melinda Song Zechariah 4:1-6 (NIV) 1  Then the angel who talked with me returned and wakened me, as a man is wakened from hi...